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700 S. Clinton St. Chicago IL 60607

1 855 827 2444

TASC helps people who are struggling with drug/alcohol use, family issues, and other concerns. We help men, women, and youth obtain services that are right for them.

We specialize in assessment and case management for people referred by legal systems and family services in Illinois, such as law enforcement, jails and courts, the Department of Corrections (DOC), and the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). See our new first responder deflection services.

If you or someone you know needs help, please contact us.

Direct Services

Whatever the substance use or mental health issue, whatever the point of contact with the justice system or family services, TASC can help.

Learn more about TASC services through the links below. Or, find out how TASC consulting and training can bring our distinct blend of practice and policy expertise to programs in your area.
Screening and Assessment
We offer brief screening and assessment to determine if individuals may need treatment or other services.
Designated Program
TASC is designated by the State to provide assessment, treatment placement, monitoring, and other services as an alternative to incarceration.
Specialized Case Management
Our specialized case management services include clinical assessment, placement into community-based services, client advocacy, and ongoing monitoring and support to increase clients’ success.
Through direct services and partnerships with community coalitions, we help youth and families thrive.
In several locations in Illinois, TASC provides outpatient and intensive outpatient treatment for substance use conditions, and also co-occurring mental health conditions.
Recovery Support
Recovery from substance use and mental health conditions is an ongoing process. We support individuals in facing the dual challenges of recovery and past justice system involvement.

Through TASC's Center for Health and Justice, we help local, state, and national officials develop the strategies that are right for them.

Local Government
We support city and county officials across the US in creating local, collaborative solutions that reduce incarceration, improve justice processes, and strengthen community relations.
Working with state and national partners, we help design comprehensive plans for addiction treatment and recovery, criminal justice diversion, and community reentry.
Through our consultation and technical assistance, we translate public policy into on-the-ground success in healthcare access for justice populations, community capacity-building, and lasting results.
From South Africa to Thailand to Jamaica and more, and leveraging decades of research and experience in criminal justice policy and addiction recovery, we offer training and technical assistance across the world.
Public Policy

We help policymakers ensure that the solutions they propose are based on both data and practical experience.

At local, state, and federal levels, TASC and its Center for Health and Justice support public policies that reduce incarceration and create healthier communities. Our policy priorities are to:
Divert people out of the justice system
and into community-based services, as soon as appropriate.
Create pathways for successful community reentry
after justice involvement, and reduce barriers that inhibit success.
Promote evidence-based strategies
in substance use and mental health disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery.
Expand community capacity
to treat mental health and substance use disorders, ensuring access and equity for marginalized communities.