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700 S. Clinton St. Chicago IL 60607

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We promote ongoing support for individuals facing a multitude of challenges. 
Recovery Support

Recovery from substance use and mental health conditions involves more than just going to treatment. It’s an ongoing process of change and growth through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.

For people who’ve been involved in the justice system, there are unique challenges in the recovery process. Stigma, employment barriers, uncertain housing, and damaged relationships can be stressful and discouraging. Even the best intentions can be derailed without strong supports.

TASC understands these challenges, and we help make connections to positive recovery support resources in the community.

We also help create peer-led support groups for people facing life's struggles. 

Winners’ Circles, which meet in community locations, and Inner Circles, which meet in correctional institutions, offer safe, positive, non-judgmental places for participants to develop healthy lifestyles, learn and practice life and community skills, and share support, encouragement, and success with others at similar places in their lives.

Through these Circles, participants gain the rewards of genuine self-care and mutual respect, while also learning skills and behaviors that help them assume responsibility for self-direction and have positive interactions in their families, at work, and in their communities.

Making a Difference

Peer supports and mutual self-help groups are an important component of recovery-oriented systems of care. They not only help support recovery, but also are considered essential components in effective trauma-informed care. 

TASC provides training for Circle leaders and works with community partners to establish locations for Winners’ Circle meetings. Through our Center for Health and Justice, we offer a 2-day Winners’ Circle Facilitators Training on how to conceptualize, launch, and sustain Winners’ Circles.

National Recovery Month is a national observance held every September to educate Americans that substance use treatment and mental health services can enable those with mental and substance use disorders to live healthy and rewarding lives. Learn about Recovery Month events in your area